Project : Build a docker image for Instavote frontend vote app

Voteapp is a app written in python. Its a simple, web based application which serves as a frontend for Instavote project. As a devops engineer, you have been tasked with building an image for vote app and publish it to docker hub registry.

Approach 1: Building docker image for facebooc app manually

on the host

git clone
docker container run -idt --name vote -p 8000:80 python:2.7-alpine sh
cd vote
docker cp . vote:/app
docker exec -it vote sh

inside the container

cd /app
pip install -r requirements.txt
gunicorn app:app -b

Validate by accessing http://IPADDRESS:8000

on the host

docker diff fb

docker container commit vote <docker_id>/vote:v1

docker login

docker image push <docker_id>/vote:v1

Approach 2: Building image with Dockerfile

Change into facebooc directory which containts the source code. This assumes you have already cloned the repo. If not, clone it from

cd vote
ls  requirements.txt  static  templates

Add/create Dockerfile the the same directory (vote) with the following content,

# Using official python runtime base image
FROM python:2.7-alpine

# Set the application directory

# Install our requirements.txt
ADD requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# Copy our code from the current folder to /app inside the container
ADD . /app

# Make port 80 available for links and/or publish

# Define our command to be run when launching the container
CMD  gunicorn app:app -b --log-file - --access-logfile - --workers 4 --keep-alive 0

Build image using,

 docker build -t <docker_id>/vote:v2 .

where, : your docker registry user/namespace. Replace this with the actual user


docker image ls
docker image history <docker_id>/vote:v2
docker image history <docker_id>/vote:v1

docker container run -idt -P <docker_id>/vote:v2
docker ps

Check by connecting to your host:port to validate if vote web application shows up.

Once validated, tag and push

docker image tag <docker_id>/vote:v2 <docker_id>/vote:latest
docker login
docker push <docker_id>/vote