Project : Build a docker image for Facebooc app
Facebooc is a app written in C. Its a simple, web based social media application clone and used SQLite as a database backend. As a devops engineer, you have been tasked with building an image for facebooc app and publish it to docker hub registry.
Approach 1: Building docker image for facebooc app manually
on the host
git clone
docker container run -idt --name fb -p 16000:16000 ubuntu bash
docker cp facebooc fb:/opt
docker exec -it fb bash
inside the container
cd /opt/facebooc/
apt-get update
apt-get install -yq build-essential make libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
make all
on the host
docker diff fb
docker container commit fb <docker_id>/facebooc:v1
docker login
docker image push <docker_id>/facebooc:v1
Approach 2: Building image with Dockerfile
Change into facebooc directory which containts the source code. This assumes you have already cloned the repo. If not, clone it from
cd facebooc
LICENSE Makefile include src static templates
Add/create Dockerfile the the same directory (facebooc) witht the following content,
FROM ubuntu
WORKDIR /opt/facebooc
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -yq build-essential make git libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
COPY . /opt/facebooc
RUN make all
EXPOSE 16000
CMD "bin/facebooc"
Build image using,
docker build -t <docker_id>/facebooc:v2 .
docker image ls
docker image history <docker_id>/facebooc:v2
docker container run -idt -P <docker_id>/facebooc:v2
docker ps
Check by connecting to your host:port to validate if facebooc web application shows up.
Once validated, tag and push
docker image tag <docker_id>/facebooc:v2 <docker_id>/facebooc:latest
docker login
docker push <docker_id>/facebooc